Counting on joy

December 12, 2021

Sometimes in social media there are posts on finding joy in your life. Often we are asked to list every day what constitutes a joyful experience for us. I never lasted more than a day or two of keeping track. Today, I did think about it because… it’s Sunday.

Recommended watching: This past Thursday, the last season of The Expanse (on Prime) premiered. It’s based on James S A Corey’s novels The Expanse. In all my considerable years, this is the most amazing and thoughtful sci-fi show ever.

Humanity is out in space. Unfortunately, we still haven’t learned to get along. There are the inners (Earthers), Mars (who want to be free from Earth), and the Belters (Beltalowdas) those who live on the outer moons and asteroids. Before the premier, fans from all over the globe did get along thru a ZOOM meeting to discuss aspects of the show. It brought me much joy to see and hear the ‘expanse’ of the show’s fandom.

Rocinante is the name of the spaceship the heroes fly in all their missions

Recommended reading: Amor Towles’ Lincoln Highway. A tale of travel, discovery, heartfelt characters and a quite emotional ending. At first, I didn’t think he could outdo his A Gentleman in Moscow. And, while this book is different, it is that same irresistible unfolding of a good story.

Recommended human contact: Man, these past almost two years have been rough as far as in person contact. As more folks are vaccinated, lately I had the total joy of visiting with several friends in person. A few of these folks are long-time friends and catching up was glorious. Thru the Messenger App we saw our grandchildren look for candy canes and an elf in their Christmas tree. Also, a group of volunteers I work with met for a small party and White Elephant gift giving. I got this!

Recommended outdoor exercise: I try to walk everyday along the city trails near my home. I see the season changing finally to Fall. And, there are deer! All sizes from little guys to big bucks. They are so domesticated they will amble right in front of you–expecting you to wait till mom and her kids cross the trail. Yesterday, the squirrels were fussing at me as they seemed to be chasing each other perhaps in some squirrelly mating ritual.

Recommended: Find your joy and share it!

Facebook is not real life-or is it?

May 30, 2021

Have you ever seen a Facebook post where none of the little emoticons fit how it makes you feel? Or expresses the comments rolling around in your head? Of course you have!

A friend of mine posted this graphic today, and because it’s Sunday, my usual blog post writing day, I decided to comment.

Let’s see… not funny; angry doesn’t fit exactly. Not loving it for sure or even liking. Sad and caring, maybe. But it’s more like a fearful, disgusted and demoralized. Why aren’t there choices for ‘immediately sick to my soul’, ‘anxious and unsettled’?

What about this one? Texas lawmakers poised to pass sweeping voting bill to restrict voting hours and change election rules read more and tell me it’s not frightening .

Seriously, this poll… I tend to believe it could be true: 23 Percent of Republicans Agree ‘Satan-Worshipping Pedophiles’ Run Government only they are the Republicans.

Or this: I get rather tired of all the “investigations” “impeachments” that result in nothing except money wasted,,, Specifically, “attack on the capital on Jan 6”. what is the purpose of a “special commission investigation?” It was illegal trespassing with intent to destroy property and possibly harm individuals. AND then Pres Trump encouraged this….just like his still complaining that the election was “stolen” from him…..Reasonably intelligent people already know what was going on and is continuing to go on. To me it is just an excuse for political individuals and others to pontificate. Yup, I’m getting older and crankier. Look to the future and do things that actually can accomplish something. I.E. Situations of homeless peoples, care of homeless veterans and medical care of all veterans, attacks on specific groups, Jews Asians etc My personal opinion. You may state yours. I will not engage in arguing with anyone.

I don’t know this person IRL but I tend to agree with her and someone needed to say it.

All we can do is hope to live long enough to see these anti-democratic/racist movements (cults) cease and desist, and democracy–real equality for all–thrive. This has been my dream since I was about 12 years old and started understanding what was really going on.

In defense of Facebook, it has been helpful and sometimes entertaining to connect with friends and family, especially over the past year and a half. I’ve been fairly good at unfollowing or blocking the anti-anything folks. Plus, exercises you can do in bed from Silver Sneakers!

Have a good week!

Damn the Fireworks and Pass the Black-eyed Peas

January 2, 2021

New Year’s Eve in San Antonio sounds like a war zone. Sleep is disturbed, our pets run under the bed or cower in a closet. But this year, I didn’t curse the noise, or even what I’m sure was some gunfire as well. I was hearing it as a proclamation that 2020 was done and the possibilities of a better year are on the horizon.

Five suggestions for the New Year

Here in Texas, we eat our Black-eyed peas for good luck. I think it works, I forgot mine last year and look what happened!

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: means stop buying stuff from Amazon or anywhere except thrift or reuse stores; make interesting meals from left-overs; repurpose things around the house. Some great ideas for materials reuse are on the Spare Parts webpage.

2. Do some yoga. There are lots of resources online. I personally use the chair/standing classes available on the Silver Sneakers Facebook page. You don’t have to be a member to view the videos. Also take a walk everyday outside if you can.

3. Find activities that give you joy. Modify or quit doing those that don’t.

4. Appreciate what you have. Help others however you can. Pray for those in need.

5. Wear your mask when you go out.

How I stopped worrying and learned to love the Covid-19 quarantine.

April 9, 2020

As hubby and I mark our fourth week of isolation and social distancing, here’s a quick list of what I’ve learned so far.

  • I actually count the squares of toilet paper.
  • It’s not necessary to put on makeup if you’re not going out anywhere.
  • I can still crochet.
  • I had my first live, via the internet, doctor appointment re the rash on my eyelid. His recommendation for treatment is working well. Hubby talked to his doctors via Zoom. Pretty damn cool if you ask me.

I thought I was being so good by going to the gym frequently. But, I have to say the Silver Sneakers’ exercise videos are great. The yoga, core and conditioning workouts make me use muscles I had forgotten about. The link is to their Facebook page where they have videos and other helpful information.

Other thoughts. “Most Christians welcome death” says the mega church pastor planning on holding Easter Services. Not this gal! I gotta lot of living to do yet.

Our current administration and it’s leader DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE F**K THEY ARE DOING. Nor do they care about the general populace in any way. So you’re on you own.

Be kind to others and take care of yourself.

Our kitty–who has not changed or learned one damn thing.

Sunday on Salado Greenway

April 14, 2013

Richard and I go walking almost every Sunday (and some other days) on the Salado Creek’s Greenway Trails. This is a San Antonio City project, paving trailways through natural areas alongside Salado Creek. The trails are walk, run, bike and dog friendly. And, the people are friendly. There’s always a “good morning” or wave whenever you pass. We catch the one down behind NE Baptist Hospital at Los Patios and walk to Lady Bird Johnson Park and back.  Check out this link to see where you can find the trail nearest your neighborhood.

We see the seasons change and wildlife like deer and birds–including big vultures.

Here are a few pictures from this morning.

There are some of the largest Chinaberry trees I've ever seen.

There are some of the largest Chinaberry trees I’ve ever seen.


There’s always friendly people


There’s lots of Cardinals!

There area a lot of dead trees, too, due to the drought.

There are a lot of dead trees, too, due to the drought.

This week according to two

December 9, 2012

Posted two blogs this week, attended two holiday mixers, and worked out at the gym two days. This must have been my ‘two’ week as I was then ‘too’ exhausted for much else.

Managed to get myself released from the HOA board. Just couldn’t take the stress any longer. Feel much better. Will vote “no” to all proposals at the emergency financial meeting for all homeowners, just to be the Scrooge.

The cat somehow got his neck and front paw hooked in the bag with the big jingle bells and raced around the house clattering like crazy. He was sorely traumatized, as was I from trying to catch him before he twisted it around his neck and hung himself.

What else? Work is busy right now as we are getting ready for the two (there’s that number again) week holiday break. Submitting ads and articles and generally getting our ducks (two) in a row, so when we come back we can hit the door running.

Getting ready to take our two mile Sunday morning walk on the trail.

How was your week?

my sleeping kitty
After the jingle bell rock trauma

Letter to Lifetime Fitness Marketing

November 20, 2010

Dear Lifetime Fitness Gym,

My household received your extravagantly over-sized marketing ad in the mail yesterday. You know, the one with the young, thin, slightly sweaty girl in skimpy work-out clothes on the front. Such a slick piece, I thought, warranted a look.

I noticed several things that made me think you weren’t really interested in my actually joining Lifetime Fitness. There were no pictures of anyone over 35 or mentions of programs for senior citizens. None of the models looked anything like me or any of my friends. If you’re trying to infer using your facilities will transform older, droopy, overweight persons into trim, muscular, wall-climbing athletes, I am Woman at the Gymsmarter than that.

Also wondering how high the dues must be for you to be sending out full color, magazine-sized ads that must have cost a bazillion bucks in a direct mailing.

Where I go to the gym, there are people of all ages and body types, working to stay healthy. Maybe some real people stories might appeal on a broader basis. Or, maybe you just want the beautiful at your gym? Good luck with that.